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3 pillars to finally convert those dormant leads

Nowadays, many companies have both Marketing Automation tools and a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. These platforms are common amongst all businesses:  Whether it's HubSpot, Marketo or Act-on, and whether it's SAP, Oracle or Salesforce.

That being said, Marketeers and Salespeople alike feel that they can achieve so much more with those top tools.  Of course, you get some sales, but there are still some dormant leads that remain unconvinced. They sleep in isolated databases! In this blog, learn 3 pillars to ensure you move on from this stagnant situation.


Teams need to work together and efficiently

First and foremost, to ensure a lead is convinced, both departments that interact with him need to work efficiently together. The journey must be aligned for this customer, and he needs to be handed over properly. Within your company, each team shouldn't compete with each other.

Instead, they should share all information they have and work to improve the results of the company, not just of their own branch.

Systems need to work together and efficiently as well!

To share information between the teams, both systems they use need to share that information as well.  In order to achieve this properly, both databases must be updated properly. A connector is a no-brainer to bridge the two solutions. 

Tailor the communication with your customer:

Don’t start sales process from scratch, build upon the aforementioned integrations.

Sales representatives must know what has led a customer to be interested in your company. What he has downloaded, which pages he visited the most ...
Likewise, don't run expensive marketing surveys or let marketeers communicate from their own corner: Get inspired by what drives your sales successes and know what your customers are interested in from data in your CRM.

Simply put, the key to convert a lead is to start an integration project. Learn everything about integrations in a replay of our webinar held with HubSpot.
Click here to access the free video:

 Replay our HubSpot Integrations Webinar

About Elixir Solutions

Active since 2013, Elixir Solutions is specialized in CRM Implementations and Marketing Automation integrations.   Our solution, ElixirSync, connects Marketing tools (HubSpot, Marketo Act-On, …) with SAP solutions (C4C, SAP ByD, among others), Oracle, Zoho, Bullhorn, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Showpad, SFDC,... out of the box, and with mobile apps or custom CRM solutions as well.  

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